Hadassah forum to cover medical emergencies Four specialists will discuss "Dallas/Israel - Preparations in the Event of a Medical Emergency" during a forum at 7 p.m. Feb. 20 at the Aaron Family Jewish Community Center, hosted by the Dallas Chapter of Hadassah. The specialists will explain steps taken by health facilities in the Dallas area and Israel, and will add insights into homeland security and preparedness. The panel members are Ed Goodman, MD - Chief of Infectious Diseases at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas and a volunteer member of the Emergency Response Group of Partnership 2000 (doctors who volunteer to go to Israel in case of an emergency). Lee Arning, Jr. - Texas Department of Health, overseeing Regional Bio-Terrorism Preparedness Planning for Public Health departments. Anita Friedman - Nursing Supervisor for the Bio-Terrorism Preparedness and Response Division of Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services. Rhoda Bernstein - National Board Member of Hadassah. She recently returned from Israel with up-to-date information about construction of the New Center of Emergency Medicine at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Guests are encouraged to bring new or gently used children's books for donation to the DISD Charter Gabe P. Allen Elementary School. This story was published in the DallasJewishWeek on: Thursday, February 13, 2003